Monday, February 14, 2011

Is it ok for the woman to propose to the man?

Click here, 8 ways not to ruin his marriage proposal
I was just watching "The Rock" on television a few weeks ago and in the movie, Nicholas Cage's girlfriend finds out she's pregnant and she gets down on one knee and proposes to him.  He says no because he wants to be the one who asks, and he says he will, just not right now because he's busy.  Sure.

Now, in real life, do you know of any woman who would propose to her boyfriend?  I'm 100% behind women's equality advancements and believe firmly that relationships should be 50/50 but since it's a long held tradition to have the man propose to the woman- is asking him a modern take on old traditions or a sign that he's just not ready to be married.

Another thing to consider is if he was on the fence about when to do it and he had a plan and you jumped in and did it first, have you ruined the moment?  Ruined his engagement plan.  While most women fantasize about the wedding day, I know a lot of men who daydream about the perfect way to ask their girlfriend to marry them.  Be careful!

I think most people will tell you that you'll know when it's going to happen.  You've talked about it, your relationship is ready for it, and the time seems right.

Have an idea? Share it here by posting a comment below. Let's all help each other out.


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