Monday, August 8, 2011

Reception Idea: Truth or Dare

Part of keeping your guests happy is keeping them entertained.  This is not always an easy task when you're a bride on a budget.  Think of fun activities that keep your guests involved with one another, pass the time until it's time to eat, and aren't too complicated or (of course) expensive.

Try filling jars with family-friendly truth or dare challenges.  Make out the slips of paper and keep them in a jar on each table.  The key here is "family friendly" because even if there aren't kids at your celebration, Aunt Emily doesn't want to chug three beers in five minutes.

Need some examples?  Check out this list:

Truth or Dare
  • Try to lick your elbow

  • Spin around 10 times and try to walk a straight line

  • Keep a straight face as the other guests do their best to make you laugh for one minute

  • Sing your favorite song in a funny voice

  • Say the alphabet backwards as fast as you can

  • Act out a favorite scene from a movie

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