Sunday, April 3, 2011

Reception Idea: Family Game Night

Ok, here's an idea.  Centerpieces are not just meant to be beautiful, but have you noticed that now they usually serve a function?  I've seen the centerpiece as a mini-wedding cake, or a bottle of wine with ribbons, flowers your guests take home (a.k.a. party favor), even part of the meal can serve as a centerpiece.  But here's what I'm thinking- what about putting out fancy boxes or baskets full of card and dice games?

Winsome Wood Leo Storage Baskets, Set of 3, EspressoBicycle Eco Edition Playing Cards
This sounds perfect for a Friday night wedding and if you're keeping it small- as you should- then it's really a formal but fun family game night!  Keeps the night moving and the party going and you will likely have some pretty cool memories of your big day where you gathered around tables with those you love and laughed over a good game of Yahtzee.

If you found a good deal on packs of cards, why not let your guests take these home at the end of the night?  Or put a note on the invitations for guests to bring their favorite board game to the reception.

Have you got an easy to make decoration idea?  How about an idea for a centerpiece?  Please share!


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