I don't know about you, but I never really enjoyed the traditional way of dying Easter eggs. Hard-boil eggs, bunch of bowls on the counter, dip them in, watch them soak, and no matter how long you let them soak, you never get a nice pretty color. My yellow looked dirty, my red was pink, and using two colors? Forget it.
The only thing less gratifying is trying to do this with small children who have no patience for watching an egg soak. I chucked the whole thing and moved on to a project I truly look forward to.
Each year I buy a pack of wooden eggs from the craft store. Each person gets a few, we get out paints and glitter and go to town. No boiling eggs, no messy dyes, no cracked shells, just beautiful bright and vibrant eggs that are pretty much unbreakable. So your materials are craft paint, wood eggs, paint brush, glitter gloss paint. Pretty easy and pretty cheap.
But we haven't even come to my favorite part...
After the paint dries, I use a permanent marker to write the first letter of each person's name and the current year on the bottom of the egg. Then I glaze the whole thing in a glittery gloss and we add it to the bucket of eggs we've acquired over the years.
Each year we add more to the egg basket and it sits on our coffee table. The kids take them out and look at their eggs from years past. They see how much their art work has improved and what their favorite color was at the time. It's fun, like the artistic egg version of a growth chart. I love it so much.
So enjoy! It's not too late to grab some wood eggs and do this tonight or over the weekend. The eggs cost me $3.99 and the paint was on sale for 79 cents each. Grab some brushes, glitter gloss, newspaper, and paper plates your pretty much in business.
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