Wedding cakes are one of those "holy crap!" expenses. At least it was for me. I could NOT believe the cost of a wedding cake. I had literally spent less on my wedding dress than the price estimate on the cake. Luckily I found a friend whose mother was willing to make us one.
I would highly recommend having someone you trust make a cake for you. There are lots of easy and fun ideas out there and if you're cake doesn't look exactly like something out of a traditional bakery, that's ok! It's ok because that also means that it won't look like every other wedding cake you've seen and it's cool to be different and make your own way. Here's a great cake idea I found from the Spearmint Wedding. I'd probably change the cake toppers but hey, it's your day, if you like the eggs, go for it. They are cute!
Have an idea? Share it here by posting a comment below. Let's all help each other out.
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