It's Monday! Time for our Top 5 Feature where fellow bloggers and budgeters share their top five tips on saving money on your wedding or new home. Anything from decor to recipes, these bloggers have some really good and do-able ideas that brides and newlyweds can replicate easily.
Today we're so happy to have Anne from WobiSobi contribute some awesome ideas for decor and style. She's got it down perfectly too by using inexpensive materials and making them look like a million bucks.
Please stop by her blog and check out her ideas, she's a very creative lady who will inspire you to create something fun this week. Take it away Anne!
Hello all! Let me first just say, thank you Heather for having me, and second, I LOVE Weddings, but the expense can get out of control if you don't watch out.
My top 5 money saving wedding ideas are:
1. Make your own hanging paper decorations, and mini table lamps, out of a wine glass, craft paper and a battery tea light candle.
This was in Good Housekeeping HERE. My good friend E told me about this and I thought it was brilliant. I used an old Calendar instead of Craft paper. You could also write your name and date on them or print out colored labels.
I found this Idea on Martha Stewart a long time ago, Go HERE for the patterns.
2. Make your own center pieces by using Apothecary jars and white lights.
3. or some easy Ornament Chandelier's HERE
4. or how about dressing a rhinestone necklace to match the bridesmaid dresses using a sharpie pin as seen HERE Via the Glamourai. and
5. Dress up your shoes with tassels that you make, HERE.
Thank you Heather, I hope you all have a wonderful day and a wonderful wedding.
Thank you Anne! Again, you must check out WobiSobi, she has some awesome ideas and you'll love her DIY projects.
Don't miss our blog party! Every Wednesday with the highlights showcased on Saturday.
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