I have mixed feelings on wedding favors. Personally, I've seen some awful favors. Just plain random things that were featured in the wedding colors with the couples name plastered everywhere. I'm not criticizing their taste (well maybe I am a little) but I'm wondering why they put down so much money on something people wouldn't be likely to use.

Now, in recent years, I've seen some outstanding favors. Things that you wouldn't expect but where very cool, unique, and practical. The first one that comes to mind is a friend of mine who got married on a local beach in the summer. Everything was so beautiful and the reception was perfect. Pizza buffet, candy bar, salad, bread, bottles of wine - it was cozy and very cute. Her favors? Our eating utensils. On each table were cups of these high-end sporks in cute modern colors. You used them for dinner and then put them in your purse before you left the party. (Don't worry, I asked, we were supposed to take them home.) At the end of the night, there were several people who didn't take their sporks so I grabbed them and they are a HUGE hit with my kids.

Another favor I have noticed is the flip flop. I absolutely LOVE this because I'm not a girl who is used to heels. In fact, I don't get dressed up much so when I'm invited to a wedding I go all the way: black dress, hoop earrings, high heels, cocktail purse, heck I even wash my hair. But by dinner time, I'm hurting. Mostly my feet are hurting. I'll never forget the first time I saw the baskets full of flip flops. Immediately the wedding reception jumped into my top five list. Picture it: Dinner is over, the band is setting up, people are getting out of their seats, walking towards the reception area and - what's this? - BASKETS FULL OF FLIP FLOPS.

Flip flops for men, women, kids. It was glorious. All different colors and patterns. I grabbed a pair and felt as if I'd instantly been given three espressos. I was ready to go!!! Two summers later, I'm still wearing the flip flops.
Now for the flip flops, really any of the favors, remember that to save the most amount of money you'll want to start early. Flip flops, for example, go on sale big time in the fall and you could spend a buck or less on a pair. The link posted above is a pack of 24 that is priced for less than $30. That's a pretty good deal too. This is a great way to get people to help too! When someone says, "Do you need help with anything?" You say yes, keep an eye out for flip flops on clearance.
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