Monday, September 12, 2011

Project Re-Style #35

With Fall right around the corner, I am going to try Re-Styling clothes
that can be worn in cooler weather. 
Welcome everyone to my Project Re-Style day.
This week I am doing a Re-Style that I have done before, except this one is with a long sleeve shirt.  If you would like to see the other Re-Style Click HERE..

This was my son's shirt and I am not going to tell you how long ago I bought it.  Let us just say  it was a long time ago. I thought this shirt  was a great color and it sort of fit me,  it was just a little big in some places.  ( an Easy fix)
For you girls out there who are not fond of  your arms but love your shoulders, this is the shirt for you,
it shows only the best parts ...

Things you need.
1.Sewing Machine
4. Safety pins
5. About an hour:)

1.  Try your shirt on.  Decide where you want your cuts and how big.  ( I marked mine with a pencil) Cut out two triangles on your shoulders. Sew the edges

2. Turn your  shirt to the back and iron the pleat that the shirt has in the back, then stitch that down.
(I stitched it down to the waist.) This takes up some of the bulk of the shirt

3. Try on your shirt again this time inside out.
Take your safety pins and pin the shirt, starting with  under the arms. and mark all the way down to your hips.  You can also take a shirt you already have and lay it on top and mark it that way. Once you have tried it on again and like the fit, Sew your shirt from arm pit to hips.

And that is it..

Good bye Summer,
Hello Fall!!

35 Down 17 to go
Click on the picture above
for all the details about
Project Re-Style.
 Have a wonderful Monday!!


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