Here's a recycled post I found that seems to be relevant this time of year. I'm going to three weddings this summer and I can relate very well to the stress these brides are experiencing. Maybe this article will help.
Recently, one of our facebook friends asked:
Do you have any tips for bridesmaid gifts? I have seven gets expensive. Great website!Thanks! And of course yes, we've got ideas. Check out the list here and if there's something you'd like to add from your blog, please post in the comments below. I tagged a few links in the ideas below after searching through the Internet and other blogs for some good ideas that I hope will help.
Careful of the gift bag full of little things that your friends will love. Even if you fill it with five or six things and they each cost about a dollar or so, that adds up. Especially with seven brides! (I had five myself so I feel some of your pain on this.) Let's break it all into three categories: Gifts they could use at the ceremony, gifts you can make, and all around fun gifts.
- So instead of a gift bag, what about giving one significant thing, or two at the most. What about a pair of earrings
or a bracelet
to wear for the wedding.
- If you're wedding is during the cooler months of the year, think about providing a wrap
for your bridesmaids.
- Think about their feet. Maybe some slip-on slippers or comfy flip-flops (I'd look in the dollar section at Target or Old Navy for these right now) might be a good gift for later during the reception dance.
- Hair accessories are nice, especially something they can wear after the wedding. Nice clips, like these found at the Pleated Poppy, are always fun and cute.
- Know an Avon lady? Buy something small and easy, like a lip gloss and a lotion for each bridesmaid, and ask her if she can throw in some nice samples for everyone and a brochure. She'll end up with potential customers and you'll get some freebies that are always appreciated. FYI, they've got a lot of nice stuff, especially their mark line which is geared towards younger people and it's usually very inexpensive.
- You know that wrap we were talking about above? Make one. It's so easy and much cheaper, especially with seven bridesmaids because you can buy a larger amount of fabric (think three yards per person) at a smaller price. Quick math: Fabric at 2.99 per yard, three yards per person, a width of one foot, seven people = about $21.00 which breaks down to about $3.00 per person. Here's the tutorial. I altered the directions on this and used less fabric.
- I love this scarf, especially how cute and easy it is. A nice option if the wrap seems like too much work.
- How about a $2.00 necklace? I love this flower petal necklace, add a travel size hand lotion and you're good!
- Have guys and girls you need to thank? Here's a crowd-pleaser that's quick, easy, and cheap.
- What about making them something nice for their own apartment or home? Here is a gorgeous wreath or a cute pillow that they can take back to their home and remember how much they love you. :)
If you're desperate, you've run out of time, or you can't handle one more detail or run one more errand, maybe one of these ideas would work.
- iTunes gift certificate
- Movie
with box of popcorn and Junior Mints
- Bottles of wine
- Flasks
with names engraved
- Key chains
- Lip gloss and finger nail polish
- Boxes of chocolate
- Frame
d picture of you and each bridesmaid
- Give each bridesmaid a wine glass with a wine glass charm
, fill it with chocolate and a cork screw with a note saying this glass is their membership card to the new girls-night-out club you'll be starting after the honeymoon is over.
- This easy idea is a good addition to another gift, maybe that iTunes gift certificate.
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