So much has gone on for us in the last week. I am just going to do a quick photo post of everything.
First and foremost, My wonderful daughter H, has graduated from Harrison, with honors, and we are so very proud of her.
First and foremost, My wonderful daughter H, has graduated from Harrison, with honors, and we are so very proud of her.
Hannah, you will do GREAT things, if you focus on GREAT things.
The world is yours.
Do what you love, and if your problem is that you want to do everything~ than you better start NOW.
Because you go from
To This
The world is yours.
Do what you love, and if your problem is that you want to do everything~ than you better start NOW.
Because you go from
To This
in what seems like seconds .
You, Hannah, will always be absolutely wonderful and perfect to us.
You, Hannah, will always be absolutely wonderful and perfect to us.
Please Cherish every Moment..
Turns into
Right before your eyes.
And sometimes~ not always, but sometimes~
I want to go back
and HERE
The funny thing is, no matter what
~ we will always END up
You, all grown up~
with FAMILY, who will always love and support you.
So don't waste your time, and enjoy what you have.
Thank you, so much, to all of you who shared this with us.
and thank you to the teachers we will never forget.
Oh, the Places you will go!
we Love you, to the Moon and Back
Mom and Dad.
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