Happy Wednesday Everyone.
Who Likes Free stuff? I do!!!
Well, I told myself that when and If I reach 100 followers that I would love to do a, Thank you so much, Give Away. So since I reached 100 Followers over the weekend and I was given this beautiful Ring From the wonderful
Website I'm Over it . Com,
the, Thank you so much Give way,
Website I'm Over it . Com,
the, Thank you so much Give way,
has been made possible. You have to go check out this web site. You can rent jewelry for weddings or party's, really any special occasion, you can also buy Jewelry there too. Truly a grand Idea.
The reason I started my blog is not to much different from anyone else. I was just trying to find all the things I had
lost or misplaced on this wonderful journey of life. Like my Art and My and my love of fashion, design, crafts and everything art related that sits in between those things. My mind literally is constantly processing so many art related things, that I could not hold them back any longer and the dam broke, which is now my blog. This Blog is just a flood of ideas and thoughts that are constantly haunting me and so to feed my artistic side, I figured the best way would be to blog about it. It did not matter if anyone looked at it or not. I was doing this for me, and I love every single second that I can sit here and create. I had no Idea I would meet so many wonderful people that were so much like me. I feel at home here, kind of like I have met my kind of species.
So this Give away is my way to thank all of my followers. Thank you for your support, your love, your wonderful kind words. You have made me feel Amazing .
Now here is the Beautiful Ring that
I'm over it .com
has gifted me, to give away..
Thank you so much Sarah.
I'm over it .com
has gifted me, to give away..
Thank you so much Sarah.
so Pretty.
I will announce the winner next Friday, March 25,
Via Random Pick or maybe I will do a video.
Via Random Pick or maybe I will do a video.
There are no requirements to win, except
leave your name and and email in the comment box.
If you would like to follow me you can, I would LOVE that ~but not required. I would also love for you to spread the word, let other bloggers know I am doing a give away,~ But also not required.
I might even throw in a surprise gift. I will announce that next week.
leave your name and and email in the comment box.
If you would like to follow me you can, I would LOVE that ~but not required. I would also love for you to spread the word, let other bloggers know I am doing a give away,~ But also not required.
I might even throw in a surprise gift. I will announce that next week.
This is really just a BIG THANK YOU to all of you,
who follow me on this crazy blog journey.
who follow me on this crazy blog journey.
Yay!! for free stuff.
Have a Great Wednesday Everyone.
Have a Great Wednesday Everyone.
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