Monday, November 22, 2010

The Big Move

If you follow us on Twitter or Facebook you know I've been mentioning change and rolling with the changes rather than trying to fight them. Because really, I hate change. Don't move the things on my desk, or mess with my computer. I will beat you up. Seriously. Just ask my husband. He moved a painting in the house, and now has 9 fingers. (okay, slight exaggeration...but slight)

Okay, well here is the deal-io.

Due to some long and complicated curcumstances the building that MasterPiece Weddings is in, is being taken over by the bank, and the bank wants to move in. Big business at it's finest. So the little guy has to move out.

Sooooooooooo, we are looking for a bigger and better space that will be awesometastic and incredible, and frankly, worthy of our awesometasticness!

We'll be homeless for the holidays, but the first part of next year, you'd better believe there will be a party for our new crib!!!

PS - Don't worry, if you need us, just call the office! It's all being transfered to a central number. Nothing is changing but our location.

PPS- You can always visit us at Love Wedd!


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