Monday, August 9, 2010

Hire Professionals

I feel like I've been on a tangent lately about hiring professionals. This is your wedding, you want it to be amazing. You want it to be perfect! And I know you wouldn't hire a dentist to cut a mole off of your back and tell you if it was cancerous or not.

So why would you hire a photographer off of let's say C.raig's List, the one person who will document, your most amazing day, the person who will provide you with the one thing you'll have after your wedding to remember all of the details, to recall your friends and most precious family members that celebrated your wedding day with you.

And sadly, in some instances the last family event that your elder family members may attend!

Okay, stepping off of my soap box now... but read this, the point of the post to begin with.

Photo by: Rae Leytham Photography (check out the bright background, and how you can can still see the bride and groom's faces and the color of her dress and the detail of her gown, the blue of the sky, the feather embelsihment in her hair....professional.)


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