So often, as we get closer to the wedding the client starts to wonder just how much people will drink at their wedding. For a few reasons, either they are buying the Adult Libations and need to figure out how much, or their venue charges per drink, and they aren't sure how much it'll cost and how to budget.... or, or, or.
There are several books that explain this, and lots of Booze Calculators online, but here's a nice breakdown for 100 guests at a reception. Just a generalization to get you where you need to go, and the cost should be roughly, including soda's and mixer's about $800 - and remember you can return unopened bottles after the wedding!
Alcohol Breakdown:
100 Guests:
167 bottles of beer
24 bottles of wine
9 bottles of liquor
Margarita/Sour Mix
1 cases of White Wine
1 case of Red Wine
Beer: (Amstel Light like) 6 {24 cases}
Jack Daniels: 1.75 liters
Tanguaray: 1 liters
Dewer's: 1.75 liters
Light Bacardi: 1.75 liters
Schmirnoff: 5 Liters
Jose: 1 Liter
Dry Vermouth: 1 bottles {if at all, in my Extra Dry Martini, I don't}
Sweet Vermouth {only if you want to do Manhattan's}
Brut Rose/Champagne – 15 bottles
Plus Soda and Additional Mixers
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