So you are having company over, maybe an invitation stuffing party, or your bridesmaids are coming over for Pizza and you wanted to make a nice little snack. How about Pretzel Turtles? So easy and so delicious! This can be your super fast way to impress - Rolo Pretzel Turtles.
In just 10 minutes, you can satisfy your sweet-tooth and your need for salty'ness all in one bite! It's the most glorious thing, a scrumptious bite of chocolate clinging on to a salty crunchy pretzel, then to be topped off with a toasted crunch satisfying pecan and oozing with warm caramel - what could be better?
Rolo Pretzel Turtles
Preheat your oven to 350
1. Upwrap your Rolos. Place pretzels on baking sheet. Top with a Rolo.
2. Bake in oven for 3-5 minutes, until the chocolate just begins to melt. The Rolo should be soft but not completely melted.
3. Remove from oven, place on cooling rack and immediately squish the chocolate with a nut. Watch the caramel oooze out.
IMPORTANT: Eat as many as you can while they are still warm. Go ahead, I give you permission to stuff yourselves with sugar.

{Pictures and Recipe from Steamy Kitchen}
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