Every year I think of things I would like to do before the year comes to an end. Usually the list is long and I only do one or two things, but this year I have been thinking about doing a short list. This year I wanted to do a doable list and not only doable, but one that might make me want to do more. Life is such a special gift and I waste so much of it worrying about things that do not matter. We can do anything we set our minds to do, we just have to take that first step. Even if that step is so big and you don't know how you will ever start it, you just have to hold your breath and jump. Believe me I did and I have never been happier. So here is my list of 5 things to do this year and here is a Toast to all of you in 2011. Make this your best year ever. HAPPY NEW YEAR!
1. Take a chance on something you really want to do.
I know change is scary, but what is the wost thing that could happen? Maybe you could fail, or maybe you would be rejected. The last time I checked no one ever died from any of those things. So go a head reach for your dream, take that chance, make the call, jump in head first, you won't regret it.
2. Eat Better. Not Less, just better. Make better choices, your body and soul will love you for it.
3. Save $5 a week. If you make your own coffee instead of spending money at Starbucks, right there you save $5 just like that. That is $20 a month, $240.00 a year. That could be extra spending money for a vacation, or that little extra money for something you wanted, or for that bill that you needed to pay off.
4. Change One room in your home. You would be amazed at how changing things lifts your spirits. You don't have to spend a lot of money, just moving furniture, making new pillows or a fresh coat of paint on the wall would do the trick. Maybe you could use the $5 your saving every week to spruce up a room. That sounds like a good idea for another blog.:)
5. Be A Good Samaritan. The Greatest advice my mother gave me was, "Helping others is the best way to help yourself, it makes you quit focusing on all your problems, and your pain will go away." That advice is so true. Helping others makes you feel so much better, and it always will. Give your time and care to someone who needs you. You could help someone who is house bound go to the store or cook for someone who is sick . Time is the best gift, because it is
so valuable. Believe me you will sleep really well at night.
So!!!! There is my not so big list , as I said I am starting small and working my way up to making this the
Best ... Year... Ever!
Me and My Sweet Daughter |